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The best diy audio opamp - Comfort Domain - ceo - Enoch Chan

Mr. Enoch Chan, the CEO and chief engineer of Comfort Domain®, has been building a solid-state audio hifi system since 1976 for his family and friends! He studied Computer Engineering in UK and got an Honours degree from the University in 1985.


He is now earning his family daily bread and butter as a financial instrument trader by using an automatic trading system invented by himself. His family is enjoying a comfortable living and a happy life. 


His passion to build a premium quality audio system at a low cost is still hindering his mind.


WFH and WFHF is the catalyst to push him to roll out this series of wonderful opamp! 


Hope everyone can have a comfortable mind through listening to good music, like enjoying their favorite dessert!


Musicality is the most important aspect of an audio system’s presentation. Unlike sonic quality, it is not any specific quality that you can listen for, but the overall musical satisfaction the system provides. Excellent music must carry an artist’s emotions and no amount of sonic music technicalities can match the chords. As a result, Hifi system built up with excellent electronics circuit design, excellent components with the greatest specification, supreme quality wiring, connectors and etc. alone may not be a high-end audio system as it may lack the most critical ingredient – musicality!


In order to achieve high-end audio component standards, audio tuning by humans for each component is necessary. We have the passion to sell high-end audio components at an affordable price and connect you to the deeper layers of emotion through the melodies. All our opamp, interconnect, and Touching Music Factory™ is 50% factory built together with 50% very time consuming audio tuning by humans. Though they look DIY, it is an inevitable intent design.


This is actually a warehouse that stocked up my vintage hifi for more than 20 years. Playing around with the vintage system to kill time and recall past happiness.


The small machine with blue LED is using to test one of the opamp prototypes. We use very primitive and diy machines for testing in order to avoid the too-good-to-be-true result. 

The best diy audio opamp - Comfort Domain - playground


This is my home listening hifi system. Can enjoy the music in a more comfortable and relax atmosphere! 

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